The SJRA (San Jacinto River Authority) is planning to raise their water rates in Montgomery County for fiscal year 2023 by 20%, which will go into effect in September 2022.
Groundwater fees will increase from $2.88 per 1,000 gallons to $3.51 per 1,000 gallons (21% increase) while surface water fees will increase from $3.30 to $3.93 (19% increase). This rate increase ultimately impacts Montgomery County residents, who can expect to see their water bills go up each month and continue to rise every year until the SJRA is stopped.
You may recall that in 2020, during the height of the pandemic as Texans struggled with job market volatility, food vulnerability, and the general turmoil of the COVID-19 virus, SJRA raised their rates by 14.5%. That same year they also filed lawsuits against the cities of Conroe, Splendora, and Magnolia…completely funded by taxpayers of those cities.
SJRA rates will continue to rise until residents, political leaders, and all stakeholders in Montgomery County make it loud and clear that the SJRA cannot continue to take more and more money from residents every year. Quadvest along with Montgomery County cities and some private water utilities have been battling against the SJRA and their outrageous rate increases for years and now we’re asking for your help.
“I urge every citizen in Montgomery County to reach out to their local and state representatives immediately and voice their concern for this rate increase,” says Quadvest CEO Simon Sequeira. “The SJRA will not stop increasing its rates and eventually, many Montgomery County residents will simply not be able to afford the most basic American right there is – access to water.”